MARKET.CSV is a command line utility that has two main modes: download and reparse.
In the download mode, the application downloads data, converts data to CSV and makes zip archives of all the data.
In the reparse mode, the application parses archived data and saves the data to CSV.
This mode is mainly used to reparse data with a new version of the utility if the previous version does not work properly.
You can create batch files to run the utility with required parameters and configure automatic downloading on schedule.
The MarketData folder contains a ready-to-use solution for loading data for US markets and importing data into a Microsoft SQL Server database.
Downloading Market Data
In the download mode the utility has the following parameters:
market.csv.exe download <provider> [<symbol file name>] [/config=<configuration file>]
Here is an example of commands for loading data from US exchanges:
market.csv.exe download YahooQuotes symbols\us-quotes.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download MsnMoneyQuotes symbols\us-quotes.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download YahooQuoteSummary symbols\us-quotes.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download YahooAssetProfiles symbols\us-profiles.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download YahooOptions symbols\us-options.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download MsnMoneyOptions symbols\us-options.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download YahooHistoricalPricesDaily symbols\us-prices.txt /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe download GoogleHistoricalPricesDaily symbols\us-prices.txt /config=configs\us.config
You can see that commands use different providers, different symbol list files located at the symbols subfolder, and the same application configuration file located at the configs subfolder.
You can get the list of actual data providers using the command:
market.csv.exe providers
You can place your tickers to symbol files using a text editor like notepad.exe, or export tickers from your database.
The application configuration file contains important settings like market open and close times, market time zones, used folders, etc.
You can omit the configuration file. The default file is market.csv.exe.config.
The commands shown above produce the following result files:
csv\YahooQuotes.csv csv\MsnMoneyQuotes.csv csv\YahooQuoteSummary.csv csv\YahooAssetProfiles.csv csv\YahooOptions.csv csv\MsnMoneyOptions.csv csv\YahooHistoricalPricesDaily.csv csv\GoogleHistoricalPricesDaily.csv
You can import CSV data to a database or to Excel spreadsheets.
See related topics:
Reparsing Downloaded Data
In the reparse mode the utility has the following parameters:
market.csv.exe reparse <provider> [<date as yyyymmdd>] [/config=<configuration file>]
Here is an example of commands for reparsing downloaded data from US exchanges for all trading dates:
market.csv.exe reparse YahooQuotes /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse MsnMoneyQuotes /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse YahooQuoteSummary /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse YahooAssetProfiles /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse YahooOptions /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse MsnMoneyOptions /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse YahooHistoricalPricesDaily /config=configs\us.config market.csv.exe reparse GoogleHistoricalPricesDaily /config=configs\us.config
You can omit the configuration file. The default file is market.csv.exe.config.
See related topics: