Getting Started with RealTimeToDB
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Getting Started with RealTimeToDB

RealTimeToDB is a powerful tool for updating databases with real-time data from RTD and DDE servers.

The traditional usage of RTD and DDE servers is updating real-time data in Microsoft Excel like this:

Using Real-Time Data in Microsoft Excel

RealTimeToDB allows getting real-time data from RTD or DDE servers and saving the data into databases like this:

Saving Real-Time Data to Database

As a result, you can get the required data for stocks, options, futures, and currency pairs in required time frames.

RealTimeToDB includes ready-to-use databases for supported database platforms and several real-time data providers.

RealTimeToDB supports: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Server Compact, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database, IBM DB2, NuoDB, and PostgreSQL.

RealTimeToExcel, an integrated companion product, allows updating real-time data from databases in Microsoft Excel like this:

Saving Real-Time Data to Database and Using Real-Time Data in Microsoft Excel

This approach delivers additional benefits:

  • You can use real-time and historical data in the same manner.
  • You can combine and use data from different data sources in the same manner.
  • You can replace complicated DDE formulas in Microsoft Excel to regular RTD formulas.

Using RealTimeToExcel, you can also get delayed quotes and financial data from Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, and MSN Money.

As a result, you can start using the following process in a couple of minutes even without having a trading platform:

Yahoo! Finance data in Microsoft Excel


You can start learning about RealTimeToDB on the following topics: