RTD.DB Add-Ins

RTD.DB Add-Ins

You can preprocess data before sending it to a database using add-ins implemented with C++, C#, VB.NET, or other languages.

This feature can be used for broadcasting data, for example.

The add-in must implement the IRDDataProcessor interface defined in IDataProcessor.dll:

void IRDDataProcessor.AppStart()
void IRDDataProcessor.AppStop()
bool IRDDataProcessor.ProcessRow(IRDDataRow data)

RTD.DB calls the ProcessRow method before saving data to a database.

The IRDDataRow has the following members:

string ServerName { get; }
string DatabaseName { get; }
string Table { get; }
string ProgID { get; }
object Item(string columnName) { get; set; }

The add-in can read the column data of the current row and change it using the Item property.

Attach the data processor add-in in the configuration file.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="DataProcessor" value="RTDataBroadcastProcessor.dll"/>

In the downloaded package, you can find add-in examples implemented with C# and VB in the DataProcessor.zip file.