RTD.DB Application Settings

RTD.DB Application Settings

You can change the application settings in the RTD.DB.exe.config and RTD.DB32.exe.config files.

RTD.DB loads application settings at the application start. So, you have to restart the application to reload settings.

Use the File, Open Configuration File menu item to open the file. You can edit the file using notepad.exe or another tool.

Use the File, Open Connection Manager menu item if you need to edit the connection strings only.

Configuration File Format

The configuration file can contain the appSettings and connectionStrings sections.

Configuration file example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="AppCulture" value="en-US"/>
        <add key="AutoStart" value="true"/>
        <add key="ConfigurationFileEditor" value="notepad.exe"/>
        <add key="ConnectionTimeout" value="5"/>
        <add key="CommandTimeout" value="5"/>
        <add key="InstanceName" value=""/>
        <add key="MinimizeToTray" value="true"/>
        <add key="RefreshTimerInterval" value="50"/>
        <add key="RefreshTaskInterval" value="0"/>
        <add key="ServersAsAdmin" value="TOS VFX"/>
        <add key="TwsUserName" value=""/>
        <!--<add key="TosDecimalSeparator" value="."/>-->
        <!--<add key="TosGroupSeparator" value=","/>-->
        <add key="TosMaxUpdateRows" value="100"/>
        <add key="TosMinUpdateTime" value="10000"/>
        <add key="TosMaxUpdateTime" value="20000"/>
        <add key="tos.rtdMaxTotalTopics" value="100000"/>
        <add key="tos.rtdMaxUpdateRows" value="500"/>
        <add key="tos.rtdMinUpdateTime" value="5000"/>
        <add key="tos.rtdMaxUpdateTime" value="10000"/>
        <add key="tos.rtdIsDynamicCalls" value="True"/>
        <!--<add key="NoDataLimit" value="20"/>-->
        <!--<add key="DataProcessor" value="DataProcessorCS.dll"/>-->
        <add name="rtd-mssql"
            connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=RTD;Integrated Security=True"
            providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Configuration file settings:

This string value defines the application culture used for user interface translation.
This boolean value defines the immediate start of data updating after the program start.
Start the application with administrator privileges for updating data from DDE servers that require such privileges (TOS, VFX).
This string value defines the application used to edit the RTD.DB application configuration file.
The default value is notepad.exe.
This integer value defines the server connection timeout in seconds.
This integer value defines the timeout of command execution in seconds.
This string value defines the instance name used to select table configurations using the RTD_INSTANCE_NAME field.
This boolean value allows minimizing the application window in the system tray.
This integer value defines the interval of data refreshing in milliseconds.
This integer value defines the interval of checking changes in task tables specified in the LOAD_CODE field of the real_time_tables table.
This string value defines RTD and DDE servers that require administrator privileges.
RTD.DB requests elevating for these servers.
This string value defines a username for InteractiveBrokers Trader Workstation (TWS).
This name is used in real-time formulas like =S<TwsUserName> by default if the =S server is specified only.
This string value defines the decimal separator.
Use it as <Server>DecimalSeparator like TosDecimalSeparator for the Tos DDE server.
This string value defines the thousand group separator.
Use it as <Server>GroupSeparator like TosGroupSeparator for the Tos DDE server.
This integer value defines the maximum number of topics created for the RTD server.
RTD.DB restarts the RTD client when it requires more topics.
Use it as <Server>MaxTotalTopics like tos.rtdMaxTotalTopics for the tos.rtd server.
This option addresses the bug of Thinkorswim that allows creating about 200000 topics and then raises the "pure virtual function call" exception.
This integer value defines the maximum number of active tickers connected to the server.
This option prevents server overhead. RTD.DB changes the tickers cyclically.
Use it as <Server>MaxUpdateRows like tos.rtdMaxUpdateRows for the tos.rtd server.
This integer value defines a minimum number of milliseconds that a ticker must be connected to the server before replacing it with a new one when the total number of tickers is more than MaxUpdateRows.
Use it as <Server>MinUpdateTime like tos.rtdMinUpdateTime for the tos.rtd server.
This integer value defines a maximum number of milliseconds that a ticker can be connected to the server before replacing it with a new one when the total number of tickers is more than MaxUpdateRows.
Use it as <Server>MaxUpdateTime like tos.rtdMaxUpdateTime for the tos.rtd server.
This boolean value defines a calling model for the RTD server: IRtdServer typed calls or dynamic calls.
thinkorswim thinkDesktop requires the dynamic model if Microsoft Excel is not installed.
Use it as <Server>IsDynamicCalls like tos.rtdIsDynamicCalls for the tos.rtd server.
This integer value defines the maximum number of refresh cycles without data refresh that starts reconnecting to a server.
Use this option if the server must return real-time data every time but can have issues.
This string value defines an RTD.DB add-in used to preprocess data.
See RTD.DB Add-Ins.